Lovely weather and the cabin fever of the past 14 months means a return to a lot of the activities, especially outdoor. Here are some essentials for your next outdoor adventure:
1. Hydaway’s collapsible water bottle and tumbler.
The collapsible design is a brilliant union of form and function. This portable duo is a must-have.
A post shared by HYDAWAY: Compact Adventure Gear (@hydawaybottle)
2. VSSL Camp Supplies
It is masterfully designed and engineered to carry over 70 essential supplies without adding unnecessary weight.
3. Copper Cow Coffee
Just because cell service is awful in the great outdoors doesn’t mean your coffee has to be as well
4. Wipes
Busy Co. has a variety of hygiene wipes that will not only keep you fresh and clean, but are also eco-friendly.
5. Outlery cutlery
The reusable pocket-size collection gives you the cutlery you need (even chopsticks) to stay fed as you enjoy nature.